Sunday, June 17, 2007

Tiger Falls Just Short, Someone Else Wins

Tiger Woods took 2nd at Today's U.S. Open, ending with a final score of +6.

I could say who took first, but I honestly don't care.

I have never played a round of golf in my life. Up to about ten years ago, I considered watching golf on TV just about as boring as watching grass grow.

When Tiger came along, everything changed. There was now a reason to watch golf; I could watch history being made.

Tonight, as with every other major, I rooted hard for Tiger.

I've grown up during the steroid era of baseball, the invisible era of the NHL, the over-the-hill years of the NBA.

In golf, as well as tennis, I actually have a chance to watch the greatest player ever. I root so hard for Tiger because I want him to indisputably be the greatest ever. I want to be able to live during the career of the greatest player of a sport, even if it is one I have never played.

I do somewhat remember the years of MJ, but I was really too young to appreciate what I was seeing. In Tiger, I fully embrace the greatness.

Sports fans are often derided for jumping on the band-wagon, for being "fair-weather" fans. When it comes to Tiger Woods, and the sport of golf as a whole, I will not deny that I have jumped on the band-wagon. I have jumped on the band-wagon which I hope continues to steer itself up to the top of the history books.

(The picture comes by way of It is of a young Tiger Woods with his father, Earl Woods)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Harold Reynolds on Deadspin! Harold Reynolds on Deadspin!