Thursday, June 7, 2007

Bathroom Break

Just now, during the Basketball game, they showed Bruce Bowen heading off to the locker room. He wasn't with a trainer, announcer Mike Breen importantly pointed out, so he was probably going to use the bathroom.

I didn't need to know this.

Yet even so, it brings up an interesting point. I usually think of athletes as super humans who don't need to worry about simple things like going to the bathroom. They just play sports.

Going along with this point, I often wonder if professional athletes wear sun screen. Everytime I ever play a sport before 5 p.m., I drown myself in sun screen, and I can't imagine an MLB pitcher or NFL quarterback doing this. To me, they seem above sun screen.

Either way, once Bowen gets back from the bathroom, and the Spurs start making their outside shots, this game is over. Also, Duncan is a great defender.

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