Tuesday, June 12, 2007

NBA Finals Game 3: Pre-Live Blog

I have no desire to watch game 3 of the NBA Finals tonight. However, I thought I should do a post on it away. Here is what my live-blog probably would look life if I actually watch the game*:

-Pick and Roll with Lebron James

-Is anyone guarding Tony Parker?


-Tim Duncan is freaking good; he dominates on both sides of the court.

-Pick and Roll with Lebron James

-Shut up Stuart Scott!

-Jeff van Gundy is a great broadcast, if only he'd cheer up a bit.

-Pick and Roll with Lebron James.

-"Drew, I think I missed a spot,"
-your favorite barber, Carlos.

-I heard Tony Parker's getting married. If anyone knows when, and to whom, please let me know.

-That was a great Vitamin Water commercial with 50 Cent.

-Geeze, this game is not going so well for the Cavs, I wonder what kind of ratings this is going to pull in.

-I miss the days of NBA on NBC.


-Let's see what else is on TV...

*If anyone actually wants to live-blog, please fell free to do so in the comments section.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, thanks for reminding us that the NBA still exists. But can we PLEASE talk about the Sopranos now?