Tuesday, June 26, 2007

No Juice for You

Recently, the Amherst College campus has been infested with hoards of campers. There's a soccer camp, tennis camp, football camp, day camp, even a "great books" camp.

I haven't had much interaction with the campers. Basically, they cause long lines in the dinning hall, so I don't really like them.

Any way, today, an awful scene took place in the dinning hall that actually made me feel some sympathy for at least a few of the campers.

I was in the drink area of the dinning hall, getting my standard two glasses of milk. I little boy, probably a five year old day camper, approached the juice dispenser with cup in hand. He began to reach up to get some Hi-C or Powerade, and then he was stopped.

"What are you doing here," a counselor, who appeared to be a high schooler, scolded him, "Today is a water day."

She didn't gently inform him of the silly rule. She forcefully reprimanded the kid, with eyes beaming down on his little, four-foot frame.

The kid walked away, close to tears.

First it was froot loops kids couldn't have. Now it is fruit juice.

What with the impending ethanol subsidies, it seems the vegetable lobby is kicking the fruit lobby's butt.


Anonymous said...

Nobody said the fight against obesity was going to be fun. Your milk could be next.

Ricardo said...

I haven't been to Val in two weeks, I think; nor have I eaten there during lunch time. Poor kid.