Monday, August 13, 2007

Watch "Law & Order" Reruns While You Can!

It seems some what strange to me that former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson has basically been running a presidential campaign for the past several months but has yet to announce his candidacy.

What's the deal? Why feign suspense when everyone knows what's coming?

Finally, I think I understand. According to a brief in the business section of today's New York Times, once Thompson announces his candidacy, NBC will have to stop showing reruns of "Law & Order" in which he appears. This would be to adhere to the presidential candidate equal air-time regulations.

I don't watch "Law & Order" much. Some how, it seems like I've already seen every rerun. Are there just ten episodes of "Law & Order" that circulate over and over?

Anyway, Thompson is showing some nice loyalty to "Law & Order" fans by delaying his candidacy, and he should be lauded for this.

For anyone who wants to halt Thompson's candidacy, I have an idea. You can start a mass movement to boost the ratings of "Law & Order" reruns. Maybe the additional royalties will make Thompson reconsider his political ambitions.

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