I'm not sure I've ever heard Ebert and Roeper use that word to describe a movie, but it's how I felt after seeing Juno yesterday in theaters. The movie was entertaining enough to keep my attention, but it was not memorable. It was an artsy, rebellious version of Knocked Up, and it didn't hold up in comparison.
The movie revolves around independent-minded 16-year-old Juno Macguff (Ellen Page) who gets pregnant with unemotional, undeveloped, uncool Paulie Bleeker (Michael Cera). At first she considers abortion, but eventually decides to have the baby and give it up for adoption. Over the course of the film, Juno must deal with all sorts of issues--with Bleeker, the adopting family, and herself--which constantly put the fate of the unborn baby into question. Will she keep the baby for herself? Will she find a different family for adoption? Will she split apart the adopting family?
All of these questions swirled through my head and led to an incredibly awkward viewing experience. The resolution to the questions is underwhelming. The movie begins to head down one track, and then all the sudden veers in another direction, without much transition in between. I know that's very vague, but I don't know how to write movie reviews, and I don't want to give away too much.
I suppose the main reason for my tepid review of Juno is that the previous two comedies I've seen in theaters are
Ellen Page as Juno is fantastic. She is incredibly believable, and some how manages to conquer the complexity of her character. On the other side, Michael Cera as Bleeker is as uncomplex as possible. How many more movies can Cera possibly do? In life, there are certainly people that are emotionally vacant, but in a movie, such characters can get tiring.
If romantic comedies are you're thing, definitely go ahead and see Juno. But if you want to laugh-up the meal you just ate, go rent Superbad and watch it at home.
Jonathan, are you still young enough to be considered a male teenager?
Took the words right out of my mouth. Knocked Up is far superior. I don't know why people are raving about "Juno" so much. It was cute, but ultimately, forgettable. Diablo Cody (the scribe) is Hollywood's new "It" screenwriter, but to me this was a very amateurish script. It's obvious this woman has never been pregnant, or at least, never gone through with a pregnancy. It definitely thinks it's cleverer than it really is, especially with the cutesy/clever language of beginning. However, I disagree with you on one aspect: Michael Cera was a gem - I couldn't wait for his scenes. (Mostly hoping for a break from the HORRIBLY CREEPY/AWKWARD scenes between Juno and the adoptive father.) I see your point about Bleeker's lack of character, but I think that was more the fault of the writing than his acting. He played it the way Cody wrote it - awkward. So, yeah, overall...eh.
Juno was amazing...I laughed, I cried, and i felt incredibly fulfilled leaving the theater. There may be some problematic issues with the glorification and simplification of teen pregnancy (I told my mom as we left the theater that I was pro-teen pregnancy). And Bleeker was adorable.
That being said for an even lighter, sillier teen pregnancy movie, I'm a fan of Saved.
Wait, did you actually call Juno "subtle"?
This film is due to make a come back now ...with all the news about Sara Palin's daughter
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