Thursday, August 2, 2007

An Even Better Website

Yesterday, I heaped praised on, a very entertaining site with historical and acted out baseball playoff moments. Yet, the sites has its limits. There are only so many videos that you can view.

Every website must have its limits--even the VeganDessert does not have enough information to entertain you for all eternity. However, there is one site that can come pretty close to this ideal--Google Maps.

Every once in a while, during my research, I have to find an address. I head over to Google Maps, do what I have to do, and then hit the satellite tab. From then on out, I am hooked. There's so much to see.

Locally, I want to look at ever nook and crany of Amherst. Globally, I want to see cities, sports stadiums, national parks. Why pay the $1000 airfare to go Arizona and see the Grand Canyon, when I can simply look it up on Google Maps and see it without having to ride a mule? Why go on college visits with your family when you can see an overhead shot of any college without getting lost on the way there?

In all seriousness, maybe the program can't yet replace vacations, but it is pretty darn cool.

"Google Maps is the best. True that double true"

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